Q: Do you offer Same Day delivery?

A: No we do not, we offer a Next Day delivery service if you place your order before 12 pm.

Q: How do I cancel my order?

A: Please contact us as soon as possible after placing your order. If your order has not been fulfilled, we will automatically refund your total.

Q: What if I have an allergy, can I alter the items in the Greengrocer’s Box or Hamper etc. ?

A: You can alter the items in any Hamper or Box. Please let us know your allergies and intolerance’s in the comments section at checkout. We will substitute items where appropriate.

Q: Do you offer time slots for delivery?

A: We currently do not offer time slots.

Q: What should I do if there is a problem with my delivery?

A: We are always working hard to meet all of your Kingfisher needs! We try to catch problems early, but please don’t hesitate to contact us if you are having trouble! We aim to solve any issues as quickly as possible, to ensure it doesn’t happen again.

Q: Will Kingfisher continue to take food orders over the phone and over email?

A: Yes, of course we would like to continue this service, if you’d prefer ordering via email, please contact us! We do advise purchasing online where possible.