Meet Cary…
A little background on Cary: Working with watercress runs in the family! Her Mother, Aunt and Cary herself must have handled 1000’s of bunches of watercress in their time at Kingfisher. What is more, Cary has passed on the Kingfisher gene to her two sons, with them both taking on weekend jobs in the Farm Shop. We are delighted that Cary has now returned to work with us after many years… “Hi, I have been working in the Kingfisher garden for the past 2 years now - alongside my black and white assistant Tilly, the dog. I have a life long love of gardening, raising plants and planning ahead for the seasons. It is such a privilege to care for a garden throughout the year. More recently I have had the opportunity to join the Kingfisher Flower Girls for a couple of days each week, where I have been learning new floristry skills. Everyday I work within a wonderful team and I can use my creative skills whilst learning - what more could you ask for? Each day is different and every day something new is learnt. When I am not at work and not working in my own garden, I love to sew, swim and scuba dive. It’s a difficult choice, but my favourite buys in the Farm Shop are Chalk Hills Bakery Malt Loaf, Tims Blackcurrant Yoghurt and Moro Blood Oranges! For the best sandwich ever - wholemeal uncut bread with watercress and tomato.”