Serves 4

Prep Time: 15 mins

We created with dish in collaboration with Abinger Cookery School and Tillingbourne Farm & Smokery, in celebration of the great Surrey Menu. This healthy dish makes a delicious light lunch.


4 Smoked Trout Fillets, Tillingbourne Farm & Smokery

1 Bunch Kingfisher watercress

2 Garlic cloves

3 Tsp Dijon mustard

40g Small capers, drained, rinsed and roughly chopped

200ml Extra virgin olive oil

2 Tbsp Sherry vinegar


  1. Chop the watercress and garlic, mixing with one teaspoon of sea salt, until very fine.

  2. Add the mustard and capers, and combine. Transfer the mixture to a bowl and stir in the olive oil.

  3. Add the vinegar, little by little, stirring and tasting as you go – trust your palate!

  4. Plate up with the smoked trout and a sprig of watercress for garnish.